Construction Cost Advice
Accurate cost advice and planning that reflects current trends
Afirmacon provides construction cost advice as a stand-alone service or as a part of our overall project and construction administration services. Our cost estimators provide our clients with detailed quantity takeoffs and pricing from a project’s conception to completion.
Afirmacon maintains a historical database of local and national construction costs for all types of projects. By identifying and analysing a project’s scope, time, cost, quality, and performance, Afirmacon provides cost advice that reflects the current market, and takes into account future market trends.
Afirmacon’s construction cost team advises clients in the following areas:
- Fee Proposals
- Project Feasibility
- Conceptual Budgets
- Project Budget Development
- Project Budget Reviews
- Project Cashflows - including supply chain issues and COVID-19 delays
- Builder's Quantities
- Builder's Tender Support
- Claims Pricing and Evaluation
- Project Closeouts
A sample of the types of Construction Cost planning projects that we have been involved in are:
- Australian Framing Systems - Adjudication QBCC, 2023.
- Gold Coast Airport Warehouse - Fee submission.
- Bendigo & Adelaide Bank, Financier's Initial Report; Commerical Cost-Plus Contract.
- Mareeba Court House, Preparation of Contract Bill of Quantities.
- White Sand Residential Development, Sunshine Coast QLD., Preparation of Trade Packages.
- Smithfield Sporting Precinct, Government Funding Program, Project Estimate.
- Trinity Beach Sporting Precinct, Government Funding Program, Project Estimate.
- Cairns Hockey Association, Government Funding Program, Project Estimate.
- AMH Abattoir Facilities Townville and Toowoomba, Preparation of Trade Packages.
- Marlin Coast Sewer Treatment Infrastructure Project. Project Budget and Detailed Estimate.
- Cairns Private Hospital, New Operating Theatres, Project Estimate.
- Seafood Processing Facility, Wewak PNG, Project Estimate.
- Proposed NRL Stadium, Port Moresby, PNG, Project Estimate.
- Brothers Leagues Club, Cairns, Insurance Replacement Estimate.
- Tourist Information Centre and Ancillary Buildings, Kuranda, Project Estimate.
Contact us for expert advice and solutions
Call us today, or fill in your details below, and we will get back to you:
Simon St., Freshwater, Qld 4870 76 Skyring Terrace, Newstead, Brisbane, 4006
Sunshine Coast